Hello everyone,
I hope everyone reading this is doing fine, and your loved ones as well.
I’ve been busy making the switch to online teaching for the preproduction course at Digital Arts and Entertainment and preparing for its final assignment.
I’m currently practicing Blender more and getting more used to a couple of addon’s I bought. It has been a while since I used Blender actively for a project
I’m using the following addon’s to speed up my process:
-Boxcutter: Easy adjusting meshes by using booleans
-HardOps: Frequently used tools, etc. grouped together
-Asset Management: Manage all your creations
-Asset Sketcher: Easily place your assets in a scene
–Gaffer: Add HDRI and adjust them easily
I also discovered Josh Gambrell on Youtube with some neat tutorials (Hard surface modeling in Blender).
Jama Jurabaev on Gumroad has some interesting Blender tutorials too.
Good inspiration/challenge board by Masterxeon (Boxcutter-addon) to practice your hard modeling skills.
I’ll explain the last one in my next post 😉 – all the best!