This project was done as an example for the students at Digital Arts and Entertainment. For the end assignment of the second term of the course Preproduction, the students have to visualize the moment when investigators see the remains of an abandoned Space Station V. The crash site takes place on an Earth-like planet. Note that the students at this point in their career have no experiencing drawing characters, so we have to rely solely on landscape elements to set the scale. For the design of the space station we are looking at the Space Station V of 2001: A Space Odyssey, directed by Stanley Kubric.
The goal of this project was to show the process and pipeline to come up with a final result.
My first pitch was orientated around a desert type of planet with a lot of curving and glowing lines and volumes. Similar to waves on an ocean.
To give a clear overview of the whole process, I created these three overview pages with the whole process explained: